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Welcome to Insurance Perspectives and 2025!
Contact us when you want help finding suitable Life, Annuity, Long Term Care, Short Term Care, Cancer, Heart Attack, Dental, Vision and even Travel insurance products for your clients. CDs and Money Market account interest rates are dropping so much so that even the banks are showing your clients fixed annuities as alternatives! In 2025, please let your clients know that have 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or even 10 year guaranteed rate annuities!
Is a fixed annuity a good product for your clients, most likely yes! Click here to see why Call Bill to find out what to be aware of so you can make suitable recommendations and avoid the "hidden gotchas" that could put you and your clients in jeopardy. Has it been a while since you wrote a fixed annuity? Call Bill to quickly get up to speed or for sales help or for your own annuity! Stay up to date on rates by using our Annuity Quote Engine! We have 3 different types of Extended Health Care Expense "LTC" products for your clients?
1. Short term Home Health Care. 1 year benefit period, very simple app and quick approval, most preexisting conditions okay for approval and covered after 6 months in force! THREE carriers to choose from or your client can have coverage with each with very affordable premiums! 2. Short term Nursing Home/Facility. 1 year benefit period, simple app, easy u/w guidelines and TWO carriers to choose from or have one with each. 3. A policy with lifetime benefits and Guaranteed Premiums for the life of the policy. Featuring a death benefit paid minus claims which assures clients their money is not wasted! This is the most comprehensive and guaranteed product in the market. Underwriting works even for those with diabetes, cancer and cardiac history. Worrying about the cost of care should not be what keeps your clients up at night worrying! You just may have an insurance option that can help almost all of them from age 40 up to age 80. Contact Bill to review options and which, if any, your clients or their parents may qualify for. THINK OUTSIDE THE "TERM BOX" to best fit your client needs.What guaranteed premium duration really best fits your client's needs? Customize your recommendations by including rates guaranteed for 10 years, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, to age 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 121 or beyond.
Based on your client's age, we have that. Change the term conversations to "how long the do premium and face amount need to remain level" and then we can help you quote it. OR your client's needs may outlive their coverage and they will blame you! Before you or a client go to the Dentist, take a look at our new dental coverage. Dental insurance is available to individuals and it really works! Especially for your clients on Medicare!
Yes, seriously, it is worth your time to find out how easy it is to write a very good dental plan for your clients! Next day benefits that will make a difference in the cost of dental care from simple cleanings to major dental work. Huge Nationwide Network of Dentists! Don't leave home without it! When you leave the U.S.A. your health coverage may leave you!
I was shocked to find out how little, if any, health insurance benefits existed when traveling abroad. We now offer GeoBlue for you to help your clients traveling short or long term out of the Country! Easy for you to get contracted, easy to write and a valuable addition to your insurance products portfolio. Call Bill to discuss and to get set up with your own client facing URL and start selling! The only "silly" insurance is the type your client doesn't have when they need it! Have you taken the time to reach back out to your "other than preferred" clients?
Some people actually get healthier after underwriting and if not, maybe they should convert some of that term life insurance that you sold them. But you won't know if you don't ask.
Are there people out there who are just impossible to insure?
Not if he/she is 50 to 80 years old and can pay the premium. We have multiple carriers that when combined can add up to almost $100,000! Visit our Final Expense page for more details. Long term care insurance, for better or worse?![]() In 1997, “Tax Qualified" long term care insurance policies became available providing potential tax deductions or tax credits for premiums and income tax free benefits. Very quickly, this type of policy became the only type being sold. Unfortunately, along with the possible tax benefits, premium rate increases also became reality. While many policy owners have been benefited from the tax advantages, every single carrier that I know of has had a rate increase of some amount on some of their in-force policies.
Do you remember why you stopped showing long term care to your clients? Click here for the number one reason agents tell me they stopped selling long term care then let me show you what has changed. Please note, you now need to be contracted before writing business with many carriers.
It is becoming more and more necessary to be appointed and have carrier website access before writing business. In Texas and many other states it is actually now required by Transamerica, Columbus Life, Gerber and Integrity as well as carriers who only offer online applications such as Great Western, Aspida and Oxford that you have an active appointment before you can write a case. PLEASE do not write an application or drop ticket before you are actively contracted with a carrier unless you have discussed with us. |