WinFlex Web lets you run UL, IUL and WL Quotes as well as full term proposals.

Click here or on the WinFlex Web logo for the login page.
This is the same that Bill uses full illustrations. It is available at no cost to you! If you are already a WinFlex Web user, simply click on the logo and log in as you normally do. If you are not already a WinFlex user or if you are not familiar with WinFlex and need some assistance contact Bill Jr @ 713-771-7226. You can be up and "running your own" in just minutes!
This is the same that Bill uses full illustrations. It is available at no cost to you! If you are already a WinFlex Web user, simply click on the logo and log in as you normally do. If you are not already a WinFlex user or if you are not familiar with WinFlex and need some assistance contact Bill Jr @ 713-771-7226. You can be up and "running your own" in just minutes!