- Up to $500,000 and age 60 on Term Life is issued without an exam or lab work! No, exceptions or last minute requests for exams or labs is even possible! A lot a carriers "fake it" as non med to get the app, SBLI Guarantees it!
- A rated with A.M. Best
- E-Delivery of Policies available within 24 hours of approval or we will mail you out a paper policy for delivery
- Conversion to WL available to end of term period or age 70
- Can add the same very competitive term on as rider to Whole Life plans - Makes for a great term/perm blend in one policy!
- Highly competitive underwriting! (Preferred Plus) in the following situations:
- Treated and non-treated controlled hypertension (Blood Pressure)
- Mild and controlled (with inhalers) asthma
- Mild and controlled anxiety
- Treated and non-treated controlled hyperlipidemia (cholesterol)
- Scuba diving up to 75 feet
- Certain family histories that are gender specific cancers (i.e. breast, testicular, prostate, ovarian, and uterine)
- One competitive multi-class (Unisex) build chart for both males and females
Consumer Advertising pieces you can add your agent info to and distribute!
Click on one of more of the links below:
SBLI Term Rate Flier
SBLI Family Protection Flier
SBLI Mortgage Protection Flier
Click on one of more of the links below:
SBLI Term Rate Flier
SBLI Family Protection Flier
SBLI Mortgage Protection Flier